Farrah Fisher’s Original Style
Farrah's artwork often employs a figurative style, which stimulates thoughtful introspection. It serves as a conduit between intangible internal processes and tangible forms.
Farrah’s Painting Process
“I find my inspiration often when feeling strong emotions, taking walks, seeing other art, listening to music, meeting people, exercising, dreaming, or simply seeing a color pallet that hits just right.
I begin by making a rough sketch of the idea on a smaller piece of paper.
Then, I put pencil to canvas and complete a nearly full sketch of the painting.
Commencing the actual painting part of the project is an interesting and almost spiritual practice.
It is similar to one setting up their alter to pray.
I set the canvas up on the easel,
I gather the water cup,
I find my paint towel and fold it neatly next to my station,
I find the perfect brushes to fit the unique needs of the painting,
I pour the paint on my color-crusted pallet,
I put on music that fits the mood,
I make sure the lighting is right,
and finally,
I sit.
I enter a state of flow in which my practice consumes me.
The painting has me in it’s grasp, and it in mine.
I am held by the process of my work.
The journey of creation is really where I derive pleasure and purpose.

Explore The Extended Gallery of Original Works
Seeking to purchase a painting or request a customized piece?
Email farrahfisherart@gmail.com for more information.